Saturday, December 28, 2013

Positional MSAccess OleDb Parameters

A few years back, I wrote an MS Access data provider for SubSonic 2, the DAL generation tool.

It was a rather thankless task - the V2 project was pretty much obsolete by then - but it was extremely educational.
I'd like to share some tricks I was forced to come up with that I don't think I've ever seen published.
Surprisingly, JET SQL called from .NET can come up with the goods in many ways you might not expect.

If you want to check out the DataProvider code directly, it's 'AccessDataProvider.cs' on GitHub here.

Issue #1 - Positional Parameters

When connecting to an MS Access database in .NET, it's best to use an OleDb connection, since these are cited by Microsoft as being optimal for MS Access, and give us the widest range of functionality.
It is well known that parameters in OleDb queries are assigned by position only, and the names are disregarded entirely.
For example:
SELECT CategoryName, [comp 2] as x1, [cat 1] as x2, [comp 2] as x3 From Categories WHERE CategoryName=[cat 1];
would actually expect four individual parameters which would be assigned in order despite parameters 1 and 3, and 2 and 4 having the same names, effectively giving

SELECT CategoryName, ? as x1, ? as x2, ? as x3 From Categories WHERE CategoryName=?;

This makes it very difficult to construct the automated SQL statements required by a query tool such as SubSonic's.

After quite a bit of digging, what I found was that you actually CAN use named, positional parameters in access: the SQL just needs to be formatted in a precise way.
To return to the above example, the following ad-hoc SQL:

PARAMETERS [cat 1] Text(255), [comp 2] Text(255);
SELECT CategoryName, [comp 2] as x1, [cat 1] as x2, [comp 2] as x3 From Categories WHERE CategoryName=[cat 1];

will expect two parameters, and will re-use the values in the specified locations.
The types for the parameters (above: Text(255) ) are standard DDL types, as catalogued by Allen Browne here.

The parameter names must be standard JET SQL identifiers and as such may not contain the @ character, unlike in MS SQL Server's Transact SQL where the @ is mandatory.

When saved as a query in Access, SQL with parameter declarations are marked as a 'Stored Procedure' by OleDb, a different schema category from normal queries which are marked as a 'View' (see examples below on schema data retrieval).

Issue #2 - Fetching Database Metadata

In order to construct a DAL for an MS Access database, it is necessary to retrieve schema information about database objects.
The OleDbConnection offers a GetOleDbSchemaTable() method that returns most comprehensive schema data of any of the connection types.

DataTable dt = autoOleDbConn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Columns, null);

However there are still two problems with the schema data retrieved.

(1) There is actually no way to determine whether a column is an Autonumber (the equivalent of a MSSQL identity).
An urban myth is circulating that COLUMN_FLAGS = 90 and DATA_TYPE = 3 (Int) means an Autonumber, but actually these conditions are met for any non-nullable Long field (of which an Autonumber is a subset).

(2) MS Access also has the 'Allow Zero Length String' property, which is unique among DBMS's as far as I know. This is not picked up by the schema data.

In the dataprovider, the way I solved this problem was to open the database object using DAO and use the DAO field attributes:
// Use DAO to extract parameters 
DAO.DBEngineClass dbc = new DAO.DBEngineClass();
DAO.Database db = dbc.OpenDatabase(
    GetAccessDBNameAndPathFromConnectionString(autoOleDbConn.ConnectionString), null, false, "");

    // if this is a table, extract addl DAO info
    DAO.Field dbField = db.TableDefs[tempTableName].Fields[tempColumnName];
    tempAllowEmptyString = dbField.AllowZeroLength;
    tempAutoInc = ((dbField.Attributes & (int)DAO.FieldAttributeEnum.dbAutoIncrField) != 0);
If any of this is not comprehensive enough, I'd recommend looking at the SubSonic provider code on GitHub as mentioned above.
There are a lot of useful bits and pieces there, including conversion between .NET DbType, .NET native type, DAO enumerated type and DAO DDL type.

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